Potato Moussaka

Potato Moussaka

Portion quantity
Preparation time
20 m
Cooking time
02:10 h

Tags oven recipes , pork recipes

In the culinary world, there are classic dishes that always evoke memories of home, tradition, and special moments with family. One of these beloved delicacies from Mediterranean cuisine is moussaka. But who says tradition can't be reinvented and transformed into something truly special? With a touch of kitchen innovation and a dash of creativity, we've brought a new perspective to this beloved dish, resulting in our delicious "Potato Moussaka."

Potato Moussaka is a savory twist on the classic, where we've taken the familiar flavors and made them uniquely enticing. Instead of the usual layering of eggplant, we've opted for oven-roasted potatoes as the star of the show. And for the ground meat component, we've chosen to prepare it in a rich, hearty ragu-style sauce that's sure to make your taste buds dance with joy.

Join us on a culinary journey as we explore this delightful twist on tradition. Our Potato Moussaka is a hearty, comforting, and flavorful dish that's perfect for sharing with loved ones or savoring on your own. Whether you're a vegetarian looking for a satisfying meatless option (replace the meat with your favorite veggie) or a meat lover seeking a unique take on a classic, our Potato Moussaka has something for everyone.

The layers of roasted potatoes, flavorful ragu-style meat, and luscious mozzarella come together to create a harmonious and mouthwatering experience. It's a celebration of Mediterranean flavors, combined with a touch of creativity that will leave you craving more. Our recipe is a labor of love, and we can't wait to share it with you.

Whether you're planning a cozy family dinner, a special occasion, or just want to treat yourself to a comforting meal, our Potato Moussaka is the perfect choice. The blend of textures and flavors will transport you to a world of culinary delight, where tradition and innovation harmoniously coexist.

So, come and discover the joy of Potato Moussaka - a dish that pays homage to tradition while inviting your taste buds on a delicious adventure. We can't wait for you to savor every bite of this delectable creation. Get ready to experience the extraordinary in a classic favorite. Potato Moussaka is not just a meal; it's a culinary journey that you won't want to miss."


  • potato - 36 wt. oz (1020g)
  • pork - 311g
  • carrots - 2 carrot (92g)
  • celery root - 85g
  • onions - 2 medium (188g)
  • red peppers - 1 pepper (114g)
  • canned tomatoes - 2 can (380g)
  • red wine - 0.5 glass (73.5g)
  • mozzarella - 198g
  • sea salt - 4 tsp (24g)
  • black pepper - 1 tsp, ground (2.3g)
  • dried tarragon - 1 tsp, ground (1.6g)
  • oregano - 1 tsp, ground (1.8g)
  • oregano - 1 tsp, ground (1.8g)

Cooking steps

1.) We started our Potato Moussaka journey by peeling and slicing the potatoes into thin, approximately half-centimeter rounds. These potato discs were then lovingly coated with a drizzle of olive oil and generously seasoned with a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of pepper.

2.) Next, we carefully arranged these glistening potato slices on a baking tray lined with parchment paper, creating a beautiful mosaic of flavor. With great anticipation, we slid the tray into a preheated oven at a toasty 180 degrees Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit), and let them bake for approximately 45 minutes. As the oven worked its magic, the potatoes transformed into golden, crispy perfection, becoming the foundational layer for our extraordinary Potato Moussaka. This simple yet essential step of roasting the potatoes adds an irresistible depth of flavor and an enticing textural contrast that will have your taste buds dancing with delight.

3.) While the potatoes are basking in the oven's warmth, we got busy in the kitchen. We finely minced the pork, ensuring each morsel would be bursting with savory goodness. The vegetables, on the other hand, met their fate with the food processor, transforming into a medley of vibrant, finely chopped ingredients.

4.) In a preheated skillet, we drizzled a generous spoonful of olive oil and introduced the finely minced pork to the sizzling embrace of the pan. Over medium heat, we lovingly sautéed the pork until it released its succulent juices and simmered to perfection.

5.) Over the sizzling pork, we poured a glass of red wine, opting for a delightful homemade variety with exquisite flavors. With the wine enhancing the aromatic symphony in the skillet, we let it simmer over medium heat for a few minutes, patiently waiting until it had elegantly evaporated.

6.) The finely chopped vegetables, now brimming with their own vibrant character, joined the aromatic pork in the skillet. We sautéed them alongside the meat, letting their colors meld and their flavors harmonize for a delightful two to three minutes.

7.) Over the flavorful union of finely minced meat and vegetables, we introduced the canned peeled tomatoes. We maximized the tomato goodness by filling the cans with water and adding that too. With a gentle sprinkle of salt, a generous pinch of dried oregano, and a dash of pepper, our sauce was taking shape.

8.) We allowed the sauce to simmer over medium heat for approximately an hour. During this time, the aromatic symphony of flavors intensified, and the sauce thickened to perfection. If the liquid in the sauce reduced too much, we knew that we could always top it up with hot water, ensuring it maintained its ideal consistency.

9.) When the sauce and potatoes had reached their delicious zenith, it was time to bring our Potato Moussaka to life. With a deep baking dish at the ready, we commenced the assembly process.

10.) We started by placing a layer of those perfectly roasted potatoes at the base of the high-edged baking dish. Next, we generously spread a portion of the luscious minced meat sauce over the potatoes, ensuring every inch was infused with flavor. We repeated these steps, layer by layer, until we used up all the potatoes and sauce. The grand finale was a final layer of those golden potato slices, crowned with a few tantalizing slices of mozzarella.

11.) We carefully placed our assembled creation in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit) and let it bake for the final 20 minutes, eagerly awaiting the moment when the mozzarella on top would develop a beautiful golden hue.

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