Recipes taged as autumn recipes

Turkey Stew with Mushrooms

Turkey Stew with Mushrooms

Savor Turkey Stew with Mushrooms: A Hearty Delight for Your Taste Buds - Perfect Comfort Food!

Cooking time: one hour
Fried Turkey Breast

Fried Turkey Breast

Succulent Fried Turkey Breast with Flavorful Sauce: A Must-Try Recipe

Cooking time: 55 minutes
Chicken Leg Stew

Chicken Leg Stew

Indulge in hearty Chicken Leg Stew - a comforting and flavorful dish that satisfies your taste buds. Discover the perfect recipe here!

Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Creamy Chicken Stew

Creamy Chicken Stew

Indulge in comfort with our delightful Creamy Chicken Stew. A rich, flavorful experience that's perfect for any cozy meal. Try it now!

Cooking time: one hour 40 minutes