Pork Cordon Bleu

Pork Cordon Bleu

Portion quantity
Preparation time
15 m
Cooking time
30 m

Tags cheese recipes , meat recipes , easy appetizers

If you're on the hunt for a dish that marries elegance with indulgence, look no further than Pork Cordon Bleu. This gastronomic masterpiece is an enticing twist on the renowned classic, Chicken Cordon Bleu, and it's bound to tantalize your taste buds in the most delightful way. Whether you're a seasoned home chef or a culinary novice, this flavorful creation is sure to elevate your dining experience to a whole new level.

The name "Cordon Bleu" is synonymous with culinary excellence, and Pork Cordon Bleu embodies this reputation perfectly. It's a dish that harmoniously combines a succulent pork cutlet, creamy cheese, and savory ham, resulting in a flavor explosion that's as elegant as it is appetizing.

From the moment it's plated, Pork Cordon Bleu entices with its visual appeal. The golden, crispy exterior beckons, promising a satisfying crunch with every bite. Cut into it, and you'll reveal the tantalizing layers of tender pork, melted cheese, and flavorful ham. Each mouthful is a delightful journey of textures and tastes that come together in perfect harmony.

Cordon Bleu, a term originally associated with the prestigious Le Cordon Bleu culinary school, denotes a standard of culinary excellence. This French phrase translates to "Blue Ribbon" and has long been a symbol of top-tier culinary skills and a dedication to quality. When you indulge in Pork Cordon Bleu, you're savoring the embodiment of this culinary legacy.

Pork is the unsung hero of this dish, offering a slightly milder taste compared to chicken, making it a versatile canvas for the flavors it carries. The pork cutlet is tenderized, seasoned, and enveloped in a savory and crispy breadcrumb coating, resulting in a satisfying contrast between the outer crunch and the inner succulence. This combination makes Pork Cordon Bleu a true feast for your senses.

Picture a layer of rich, creamy cheese gently melting over the warm pork cutlet. It's an image that promises a divine experience for cheese lovers. The cheese's smooth, gooey texture pairs exquisitely with the meat's savory notes, creating a sumptuous blend of flavors that dance on your palate with each bite.

To complete this tantalizing trio, a slice of high-quality ham wraps itself around the cheese, adding a salty and smoky dimension to the dish. The ham's distinctive taste contributes to the dish's overall depth and complexity, turning each mouthful into a delicious adventure.

While you might associate Cordon Bleu with high-end restaurants, Pork Cordon Bleu is remarkably accessible for home cooks. With the right guidance and a touch of culinary enthusiasm, you can master this impressive dish in the comfort of your kitchen. Whether you're preparing it for a special occasion or simply to savor a memorable meal, it's a delightful experience that's sure to make you feel like a gourmet chef.

One of the great features of Pork Cordon Bleu is its versatility. You can personalize it to your liking, choosing your preferred cheese, ham variety, and even the seasonings you use. This adaptability allows you to tailor the dish to suit your taste, ensuring a unique and personalized experience with every preparation.

Pork Cordon Bleu's versatility extends to its accompaniments. Whether you choose to serve it with roasted vegetables, a fresh salad, or a classic potato dish, this culinary creation adapts seamlessly to your menu, making it an ideal choice for any season or occasion.

Pork Cordon Bleu is not just a meal; it's a celebration of flavors, a symphony of tastes that dances on your taste buds, and a sensory experience that lingers in your memory. So, the next time you're in search of a dish that transcends the ordinary, consider creating or ordering Pork Cordon Bleu and elevate your dining experience to a new level of culinary delight.


  • pork chops - 510g
  • ham - 8 thin slice (168g)
  • cheese - 4 slice (112g)
  • eggs - 2 large (100g)
  • all purpose flour - 0.5 cup (62.5g)
  • bread crumbs - 1 cup (108g)
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp (56g)
  • sea salt - 2 tsp (12g)
  • black pepper - 1 tsp, ground (2.3g)

Cooking steps

1.) Prepare the Pork Cutlets: Start by slicing the pork into thick, succulent pieces, approximately half a centimeter thick. These delectable slices are the canvas for our culinary masterpiece. Now, take your trusty meat mallet and gently tenderize the pork, creating thinness without sacrificing its tenderness. This step is all about preserving the integrity of the meat while enhancing its texture. A delicate balance that's essential for a perfect Pork Cordon Bleu.

2.) Seasoning Magic: Enhance the pork's natural flavors by generously seasoning it with a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of freshly ground black pepper. Allow the meat to luxuriate in these flavors for a few minutes, granting it time to absorb the savory essence. As the pork embraces its new flavor profile, let's prepare our binding agent. In a bowl, beat two eggs with care and attention, creating a rich and velvety mixture that will beautifully coat our pork. The stage is set for culinary alchemy!

3.) Crafting Culinary Layers: Now, let's unveil the artistry in assembling our Pork Cordon Bleu. Gently lay out a pork slice, like a blank canvas, and prepare to create culinary magic. First, a slice of delectable ham graces the pork, adding a smoky, savory note. Then, the star of the show, a generous piece of whole cheese. To ensure a seamless culinary masterpiece, I've opted for cheese in its pure, unadulterated form. Cutting it into long, slender strips, we've made it effortlessly rollable, and it will cling to our Cordon Bleu, holding its shape beautifully during frying. This thoughtful touch ensures every bite is a harmonious blend of flavors and textures, making our Pork Cordon Bleu an irresistible delight.

4.) Artistry Unleashed: It's time to transform our layered masterpiece into the iconic Cordon Bleu shape. Gently fold the sides of the pork over the ham and the cheese, cocooning them in a savory embrace. Now, with culinary finesse, begin rolling it up. The result is not just a round delight but a culinary work of art that promises a symphony of flavors with each bite. Unleash Your Creativity: While the classic round form is a visual delight, don't hesitate to express your culinary creativity. As seen in the captivating images below, you can experiment with different shapes and perhaps introduce vibrant slices of bell peppers into the mix. These colorful additions not only enhance the dish's visual appeal but also infuse a fresh, crisp note to the ensemble. The possibilities are as endless as your imagination!

5.) Crispy Perfection: Now, our beautifully crafted Cordon Bleu roll is ready to be encased in a delectable, golden coat. This is where the magic happens. Begin by gently dusting the roll with a light, velvety layer of flour. The flour acts as the first step in creating that irresistible, crispy texture. Next, dip the roll into the beaten eggs we prepared earlier. The eggs will create a luscious, binding layer that ensures the breadcrumbs adhere perfectly. This step adds an extra layer of richness to the dish. And finally, the pièce de résistance, the breadcrumbs. Roll the Cordon Bleu through a generous bed of breadcrumbs, coating it evenly. This is where our roll transforms into a masterpiece of texture – the golden, crispy shell that will envelop the succulent interior. It's an essential step to ensure every bite offers a satisfying crunch that gives way to the flavorful surprise within.

6.) Searing Beauty: It's time to bring our Pork Cordon Bleu to life in a sizzling pan. Begin by preheating a few tablespoons of oil in a skillet. As the oil shimmers and dances with anticipation, gently lay the Cordon Bleu rolls into the pan. Listen to the satisfying sizzle as they make their grand entrance. Allow them to sauté for a few minutes, patiently waiting for that captivating golden hue to emerge. It's in this skillet that our culinary creation undergoes its final transformation, taking on a lustrous, golden coat that promises a mouthwatering crunch. This stage is all about imparting that irresistible, rich flavor that defines the perfect Cordon Bleu.

7.) After the Cordon Bleu has cooled, we slice it into delectable portions. It can be served as an enticing appetizer or as the star of your main course, accompanied by a delightful side dish.

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